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Work Integrated Learning Project

Precision Cities: Responding Precisely to Human Needs

In collaboration with Carleton University


Precision Cities: Responding Precisely to Human Needs

In collaboration with Carleton University, the Precision Cities project aims to support local organizations and community leaders in Vanier, Ottawa in providing self-sustaining, community-driven solutions to food insecurity within their vulnerable populations.

Utilizing IBM Garage Methodology, the IBM Precision Cities Work Integrated Learning Team focuses on the iterative process of co-creation, co-execution, and co-operation whilst incorporating IBM Enterprise Design Thinking, and IBM Agile Principles to identify key stakeholders, focal pain-points, and possible solutions, in collaboration with the Vanier community.

The Precision Cities Work Integrated Learning Team focuses primarily on seeking opportunities to build capacity amongst community organizations to more equitably distribute available resources to the users who need it most.

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Garage Team Formation

Advanced Studies Canada reached out to the greater IBM community to hand-select a diverse Precision Cities Garage Team of IBMers working across a variety of different roles and departments.

June 1st, 2021

Team Introduction to PC Project

The Precision Cities project was handed off to the Precision Cities Garage Team by the Research Team at Carleton University.

June 3rd, 2021

Introduction to Vanier Community

The Precision Cities Garage Team and the Research Team at Carleton University met with community stakeholders to discuss the project handoff and the next steps regarding the Garage process.

June 24th, 2021

Construction of Internal Team Structure

The Precision Cities Garage Team discussed internal team expectations and identified common goals and visions for the project. This process allowed the team to become more familiar with one another's skill sets and increase group chemistry.

June 25th, 2021

Initialization of Stakeholder 1-1 Meetings

The Precision Cities Garage Team summarized their work in progress to receive constructive feedback from the stakeholders and stay consistent with their advancement on the project. Through conducting stakeholder interviews, the team was able to better understand the underlying pain points, and stakeholder connections that required more clarification.

July 8th, 2021

Development of Stakeholder Map

The Precision Cities Garage Team created a visual representation of the stakeholders involved who are affected by this project. The map included the findings from previous user interviews that helped identify the stakeholders' motives and interests.

July 20th, 2021

Development of Key Problem Statement & Hills

Utilizing stakeholder interview statements, the Precision Cities Garage Team was able to curate different Key Problem Statements and Hills. These will assist in keeping the team's mission and vision aligned on outcomes that matter to the users.

July 22nd, 2021

Development of Initial Minimum Viable Solution

Through iterative statement and assumption testing, the Precision Cities Garage Team was able to brainstorm and develop an initial minimum viable solution. Next, the team plans to collaborate with the Stakeholders to test this minimum viable solution in action, and pivot as needed to better align with user pain points.

August 6th, 2021

Development of Overall User Story Board

Through the collection of individual stakeholder interview responses, the Precision Cities Garage Team was able to curate an Overall User Story Board. This allows for ease of visualization of the flow that represents the key components involved in the minimum viable solution, as well as the basic user interaction needed in achieving a user goal.

August 12th, 2021

Present key findings, Stakeholder Maps, Overall User Story Board, Problem Statements, and Hills to larger Vanier Community

In a meeting with Together for Vanier, a community-leader driven forum, the Precision Cities Garage Team plans on presenting key findings regarding stakeholder dynamics and underlying challenges to be addressed for long term success.

August 18th, 2021

Off-boarding of Initial Precision Cities Garage Team

Notify Vanier stakeholders of this transition in the project. In addition, the Precision Cities Garage Team will organize all documents and resources in a logical manner to ensure successful knowledge transfer for future Canadian Advanced Studies collaborators.

August 27th, 2021


Ali Hamdy

Gabrielle Sew

Nikoo Zahedi

Sarah Huynh